-30% Update on MPW – Medical Properties Trust cashfloweditor, January 5, 2024 Transcript Hey guys I wanted to shoot this video like a quick update on MPW medical properties trust and where we stand right now so we had about a 30 percent at this time of recording this video of a downturn right now because of the old steward situation, which honestly I think is not a big deal. they’re handling it they’re a good company they have a huge dividend yield right now they’re not gonna cut it again uhm and those are just a few points but the main thing is the book value right now its even much lower than that its currently at 0.36 this is not what this company is usually traded this is gonna go up as soon as all this negativity is gonna turn and at some point it will. So if you are thinking about going and buying NPW this is a great price to go in right now you have a sweet dividend yield and you can just hold it until it recovers it will happen this is a huge successful company and just like in the downturn in sorry in 2008 they will survive this one as well. They’re still highly profitable they’re not going anywhere it’s gonna take a while but they will recover and once they do you’ll be happy you jumped in so yeah buying on days with 30% and downturn is a great day to buy uhm as you can see today were actually doing really good on other stuff but were not going to get into that today anyway guys a good day to buy a MPW let me know what you think Videos